Feb 25, 2022
Don't be a ticking time bomb in the multifamily fund management space. Melanie shares some great insight on her path to becoming a world traveling fund manager.
Feb 23, 2022
Jeff is creating funds to invest in other sponsor's deals through Specific Purpose Entities (Funds) and we broke down why capital raising vs. owner operating can be so much fun and a lot easier then being a GP on a large scale multifamily deal.
Feb 23, 2022
One of my favorite Lightning Rounds Ever as we go back in time to military passtime shenanigans and more recent cosplay adventures on inflatable kayaks. Jeff, I need to spend more time with you!
Feb 23, 2022
Eddie has been coming up strong in the syndication space right out of college and he credits being intentional about sharing his successes as a key to raising capital.
Feb 21, 2022
Justin talked a lot about being confident in order to make people comfortable in your syndications. He is scaling quickly in the Multifamily Syndication scene. https://perpetualwealthcapital.com/